Sunday 11 May 2014

Heels and Wheels

On June 1st, there is going to be a great 5K race and 1K charity walk taking place at Bingemans.  It is for a cause that is near and dear to H+P-er, Jan de Visser.  CLICK HERE for full details.  

Jan's story:

On September 3rd, 2011 Jan de Visser went on a fateful bike ride that almost killed him. What was supposed to be an easy brick ride in preparation for the next week's Muskoka 70.3 ended after barely 5km in the passenger side door of a minivan. He sustained a broken neck, bleeding in the brain, a shattered cheekbone and eye socket, eye damage, and a broken collar bone. While the physical injuries were relatively quick to heal, the bleed in the brain caused a traumatic brain injury (TBI) which is still causing him problems: memory, planning and organization, and mood are all impacted, and in addition he now suffers from epilepsy. Being able to get back to running and later riding was a major factor in his recovery: it kept him sane, forces him to pay attention to his diet, and his training provides structure to his day. For the foreseeable future he will be a duathlete though instead of a triathlete.

More event details:

  • 5K Race
  • 1K walk
  • kid's dash
  • WELL-stocked swag bags and "insanely high-valued prizes." 

If you want to race or volunteer, click here for more info.

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